Freedom, Power, and a Life of Satisfaction (Life Satisfaction Certificate Course - Session 5) (Self-Study)



This is the fifth session in the 8-Session Life Satisfaction Certificate Course.

To register for the entire Certificate Course, please click here.

A Journey from Frustration to Life Satisfaction.

A Certificate Course based on the Neuroscience of Consciousness, Cognitive Neuroscience, and the intersection of the 5 Major Systems of Thought Formulation.

An 8-Session Certificate Course on how to help your patients, your clients, your loved ones, or yourself, put an end to frustration, and feeling stuck, and build a life full of satisfaction.

"The striving towards self-realization is present in each of us, regardless if we consciously choose to grow, learn, or improve ourselves." - Karen Horney, MD from "Neurosis and Human Growth"

Join the SWEET Institute for a transformative Certificate Course that explores what it takes to live a life of satisfaction. We will look at why individuals feel stuck, how individuals have been erroneously "trying" to reach life satisfaction, to no avail, and how each individual can end this vicious cycle and start living a life of satisfaction.

What you’ll learn

At the end of the full Certificate Course, you will be able to help those you work with:

  1. Understand why the more we've been trying to free ourselves, the less free we become, and how to get out of this trap.
  2. Realize how our self-made reality is simply causing more and more suffering and learn how to shift this all around.
  3. Learn what's been missing to live a life of satisfaction and master how to add the missing ingredient in the most practical way possible.

You will also be able to help your client discover:

  1. Why they have been suffering all along.
  2. How to get out of the suffering cycle.
  3. What it truly takes to live a life of satisfaction in a sustainable way.

Additional Context

We have 5 major categories of psychotherapeutic models in the field of mental health. They encompass nearly 500 different modalities. Yet, the rates of depression, anxiety, suicide, including in teens, has been steadily increasing. Unless we do something differently, we will continue to bear witness to the dire suffering of individuals, communities, and the world at large.

This Certificate Course helps us discover what's been missing, how to add it, and how to help our patients and clients implement it effectively.

Who is this for?

This Certificate Course is for:

  • Therapists
  • Coaches
  • Anyone driven to help others reach life satisfaction
  • Anyone who would like to use the material from this Certificate Course for themselves or their loved ones

This course is for any clinician invested in learning new or honing existing skills to be able to use in dynamic ways to support their patients and clients and to end suffering.

Session Topics:

Session 1: Life Satisfaction: The Why, The What, and The How

Session 2: Removing the Blocks to Life Satisfaction

Session 3: Relationship and Life Satisfaction

Session 4: Health, Wellness, and Life Satisfaction

Session 5: Freedom, Power, and a Life of Satisfaction

Session 6: Self-Actualization and Being Satisfied

Session 7: Ending Suffering and Leading a Life Full of Satisfaction

Session 8: Living a Satisfying Life


This course is eligible for 2 CEUs for Licensed Social Workers, Licensed Mental Health Counselors, Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselors (CASACs), Licensed Marriage and Family Therapists, and Psychologists in New York State

For more information about CEU approval, please click here.

You will receive your certificate by email after the post-test is passed and your evaluation is completed.

Format: Self-Study Online Seminar

Join Us Now!

"Cutting edge information. Amazing course! Understanding that Reality is Strength! So incredibly helpful to us as clinicians and to our clients!" - Veronica, LMSW

"As always, Dr. Sidor speaks of the simplicities of life that are often hidden from our consciousness. His teachings are awe-inspiring and promote well-being, peace, love, harmony, enabling a truly fulfilled life." - Kharyn, LMSW

"The focus on self is transformative. How powerful and transformative a simple practice can be." - Adaiah, LCSW-R

"I would recommend this seminar to my colleagues because it offers truth about reality that should be shared with everyone." - Leslie, LMSW

"I hesitated to join this course due to scheduling conflicts with my clients; however, after this seminar, there is no doubt that this is exactly where I am meant to be. Dr. Sidor's enthusiasm is unmatched (except by the co-facilitator, Karen) by any facilitator that I have experienced. His knowledge, willingness to share that knowledge, and humanity, rival his enthusiasm and passion. I felt inspired and anxious to continue to learn more about DBT at the closing of the presentation, which is actually how I feel after each and every seminar that I attend." - AnnMarie, LCSW

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s special about this Certificate Course?
What’s special about this Certificate Course can be summed up as follows: “We cannot solve our problems with the same type of thinking that created them.”
How does the material in this Certificate Course differ from the current evidence-based practices?
In addition to containing the intersection of the most effective evidence-based practices, the material in this Certificate Course goes beyond our current EBPs through the following ways: (1) The full incorporation of Neuroscience of Consciousness; (2) The implementation of the latest in the field of Cognitive Neuroscience, and (3) The intersection of the 5 Major Systems of Thought Formulation.
How does this Certificate Course work?
An unsatisfied life is a symptom of a number of blocks that need to be discovered and dealt with. This Certificate Course makes this available for us in the most effective and efficient way possible while also leading to a sustainable outcome.
How will success or outcomes be measured?
When implemented well, this Certificate Course will lead to a full transformation of the individual at the level of life satisfaction and in a sustainable way. For example: 1) Individuals will learn to reconsider and correctly evaluate causes; 2) Individuals will learn who they really are and how to be self-realized, self-actualized, or fulfilled. This all becomes possible once their blocks have been removed.
Will this Certificate Course help everyone?
Yes. Everyone is naturally designed towards life satisfaction, and when it is not expressed, it denotes the existence of blocks. This explains why individuals suffer or are in distress whenever life satisfaction is not present.
Do I need to attend all the classes in order to get my SWEET Institute final certificate of completion?
Yes, otherwise you risk accumulating gaps, which may, in turn, lead to an inability to use the material adequately.
Does this Certificate Course offer CEUs?
Each of the modules of this Certificate Course is eligible for 2 CEUs for Licensed Social Workers, Licensed Mental Health Counselors, Credentialed Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Counselors (CASACs), and Psychologists in New York State, for a total of 16 CEUs.
What are your reimbursement policies?
Anyone who registered for this Certificate Course through any of the three payment plans, and who wishes to withdraw, for whatever reason, is entitled to a reimbursement, with no questions asked other than for improvement purposes. The reimbursement will be minus the price of each single class attended by the date of wish to withdraw.
Is this whole Certificate Course at No additional cost for all SWEET Members?
If you have an unlimited membership plan, then yes, everything is included in your plan with no exceptions, including all our Certificate Courses. The SWEET Institute pledges to make all courses available for free to members who have an unlimited membership plan and who have maintained their membership. If you have a membership plan that is not an unlimited plan, you can consider upgrading your membership, as this will save you thousands of dollars in the long run. If you are unsure whether your membership plan is unlimited, please email us at [email protected].
Is this Certificate Course to help clinicians, or for clinicians to better help their clients?
The material from this Certificate Course is likely to be novel for most clinicians and coaches and almost all clients. For clients to best benefit from it, their clinicians ought to learn it. As clinicians and coaches learn the material in preparation to help their clients, they too will have gone through a process of transformation.
Are there any other requirements to getting a SWEET Institute final certificate besides completing each and every one of the classes?
(1) After each of the classes, you must complete an evaluation if you attended live. If you attended any of the classes as a self-study, you must pass a post-test and complete an evaluation for those classes. You must score at least 80% on the post-test to obtain a certificate for that particular class. (2) At the end of the Certificate Course, email us at [email protected] to request your SWEET Institute final certificate of completion, and we will verify if you received all certificates for the classes. Once we have verified this, we will send you the final certificate of completion. There is no exception to these requirements. No one will be able to receive a final certificate of completion for this Certificate Course without having met the above requirements.

Your Facilitator and Co-Facilitator

Mardoche Sidor, MD & Karen Dubin, PhD, LCSW
Mardoche Sidor, MD & Karen Dubin, PhD, LCSW

Mardoche Sidor, MD, is a Harvard-trained Quadruple Board Certified Psychiatrist, Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Columbia University, School of Physicians and Surgeons, trained in and taught all major psychotherapeutic modalities, including and not limited to CBT, DBT, Family Systems, and Psychodynamic Psychotherapy. He is also the author of 11 books including Journey to Empowerment, Discovering Your Worth, The Power of Faith. and, The Art of Living. Dr. Sidor has worked both as a primary care physician and Medical Director in three different settings, including a Chief Medical Officer of the Center for Alternative Sentencing and Employment Services (CASES). He is a main facilitator for the SWEET Institute. His 11th book, entitled, NLP for Clinicians is now available to the public.

Karen Dubin, PhD, LCSW, is a Columbia-trained Social Worker with wide clinical, teaching, and supervision experience. She also has a background in management, mentorship, and leadership that spans more than 20 years. Her added passion is in advocacy and coaching. She has previously held Executive level positions, and two other directorships in different organizations. She is currently Adjunct Faculty at Columbia University School of Social Work and Adelphi University School of Social Work. She also maintains a private practice, provides supervision, and clinical and management training. She is also a personal and executive-level coach. She is a main facilitator for the SWEET Institute.

SWEET Curriculum

  Freedom, Power, and a Life of Satisfaction (Life Satisfaction Certificate Course - Session 5)
Available in days
days after you enroll